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The EarthSuit Paradigm®



I am about to take you on a 50 year journey to an enlightened understanding.  This is a new paradigm, a perspective change in the way you can see and live in this world. It is a logical approach to a diverse and often touchy subject.  Ultimately you will learn simple things that can help you reach your goals in life and your relationships.

Keep your mind open and listen to your heart.  I will be offering some teachings of the Lakota Sioux, the basics of Space-Time, the implications of Infinite Time and how it affects our spirits and eternity. Based on my understanding, I will explain what we are, why we are here, what God really is, and what happens after we die. I will reveal my personal connection to Source and the exciting understanding I was given. Finally I will  give you key actions you can do to improve your life and relationships.

The goal of sharing my understanding is for you to take control and be responsible for your own life and to fill your life with  moments of heaven for yourself and those around you.

The Lakota say Mitkuye O'Yasin which means 'All my Relations'.  We are truly intimately connected to everything else on this planet. It takes everyone to make the world.  Your Spirit is so big that it occupies your body and a dozen others,  along with a forest in southern France, a flock of flamingos in Africa, 200 rabbits, a pod of whales and 3 million insects.  When you start seeing your connection to everything else, taking care of this planet becomes of critical importance.


A Kush Ball is a great visual example of our connection to everything else.  The core is the 'Source' as I prefer to call it and all the protruding fingers are extensions of  that unlimited, omnipotent life energy.  We live in our EarthSuits on the tips of these fingers, thinking that we are individual and all alone.  When in fact we are all intimately connected to everything else.


"We are not human beings having
a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a
human experience"

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Why Are You Here?

Imagine if you will that you are an all-powerful, unlimited spirit floating in space.  Since you have no limitations like eyes, or a nose, or fingers or a tongue, you cannot see, smell, feel or taste..  everything is black and void and timeless.  You have to have limitations in order to have experience.  One of your primary purposes is to fill the vast emptiness of time with a rich tapestry of experience.  We each have thousands of lifetimes to do that with.  Life is an adventure!  Another purpose is to become a total being which I'll cover in more detail later on.


Are We Alone?

The simplistic answer is "Of course not".  Let's take a quick look at our home world.  The first thing to realize about our planet earth, GAIA, is that it resides in the 'Goldilocks zone' just the right distance from our sun for life to exist.  It rotates so that all of the planets surface is exposed to the light and heat from the sun.  It has liquid water and an atmosphere that shields it from the deadly cosmic rays. It has all the needed resources for carbon-based lifeforms to flourish.   Even if there was no 'God' at all, life would flourish on this planet.  There is a God / Source however.

What we know from science is that there are thousands of other worlds, light years away from here.  The lifeforms there may be silicon based and not resemble anything we can imagine.  There are countless other possibilities for life.  What we need to take away from this is that humans, trees, fish, animals, etc. are all the product of this planet.   Pick a different planet and whatever that planet can produce from its resources will be its lifeforms.


**Note: I will  preface any comment which I have not fully evaluated with "I conjecture"  otherwise I will state what I believe to be true and have tested quite thoroughly over my lifetime.

I conjecture 2 possibilities about Source: 1)  Each planet with life has it's own Source energy surrounding it, like Gaiaism or 2) Because of multidimensional folding, distance is irrelative and there is 1 Source that surrounds all planets where life exists.  I would be fine with either except the first supposes a limit to the distance Source extends away from GAIA.   That begs the question "do we become separated from Source when we travel to the moon or to mars?"  Probably not.  Therefore #2 is more likely since we assume Source is unlimited. 












Recent theoretical data derived from Quantum Gravity Emergence suggests that our Reality is the intersection between E8 and the 4th dimension of time where distance might not be an issue.  Actually multiple local  Sources could be true given the unimaginably huge distances between Galactic Clusters.


I believe that Source is in everything on this planet and that Source's expression is only limited by the complexity of the life form structure. For instance, human eyes see color and dogs see odors. It's because our EarthSuits have different structural capabilities. It is foolish to suggest that Source's life energy is limited to 1 species only and not to everything else.



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